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The hotter months call for cold, frozen treats, weekends away and barbecues with friends—but how can these summer tendencies impact our oral health?

Summer can be busy, fun and sun-filled but if you’re still brushing your teeth twice daily, does it really impact your oral health? Unfortunately, yes. The increasing number of days spent in the sun’s dangerous rays with afternoon popsicles and ice cream really can impact your smile—and not just because you’re grinning ear to ear with a Rocky Road cone in hand. 

Keep smiling (and healthy) by following these six simple tips this summer:

1. Hydrate Properly

On the hottest days of the year it can be easy to get dehydrated. Be careful that you aren’t reaching for sugary sports drinks to replenish each time. Making water the drink of choice is the best way to prevent cavities and oral health issues. 

Since during the summer our bodies lose a lot of fluid due to the increased sweating, you may need to increase your daily water intake. Drinking water helps prevent dry mouth (when not enough saliva is being produced), which can cause plaque build up. Most people underestimate just how important saliva production is for providing the mouth the minerals needed to remain healthy. 

Dr. Nadia’s Tip: As someone who also loves sugary drinks, I understand water not being the obvious first choice. But if you infuse your water with some fruit (I love strawberries and mint), it can encourage you to reach for that water bottle more throughout the day. Be careful of choosing highly acidic fruits, like lemon, that can damage the enamel. 

2. Wear SPF Lip Balm

It might come as a surprise that when you visit your dentist, we don’t just check your teeth. Oral health includes every part of your mouth, including your lips. During the summer heat, help protect your lips from burning by regularly reapplying a quality, SPF lip balm. There are many brands that can be found at your local drugstore which offer lip balms with factor 30 and greater. 

Remember: Your dentist checks for far more than cavities. Oral cancer screening exams and underlying health problems are also top of mind. To learn more about why dentists stress booking check-ups and cleanings every six months, click here

3. No Chewing on Ice 

This summer oral health tip is quite specific, but during the warm months you’re more likely to finish off your cold drink by chomping on the leftover ice—a HUGE no-no when it comes to your oral health. The pressure of chewing on ice is enough to damage your enamel and leave teeth vulnerable to a dental emergency, like a cracked tooth. 

Dr. Nadia’s Tip: If your minis are tempted to crunch on the cubed ice at the end of their drinks, switch to crushed—the pieces are likely to melt before they get to them. 

4. Easy On Sweet Treats

When the heat of the day takes its toll on us, we often crave sugary, cold treats for an instant, on-the-go refresh. But if you aren’t able to brush your teeth soon afterwards, this can lead to tooth decay. Instead, mix it up with tooth-friendly snacks with high amounts of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin C; yogurt, cheese and vegetable-infused smoothies are all great options.

Dr. Nadia’s Tip: For a more tooth-friendly cold treat for the whole family, try cutting up watermelon into lengthwise cubes. Place one or two on a skewer and then freeze for your own “Watermelon Popsicle.” Another option my kids love is frozen yogurt dots. Simple cut a hole in the corner of a Ziplock bag and pipe small dots onto a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Freeze for at least 30 minutes before serving. 

5. Wear a Mouthguard

If you or your kiddos are playing summer or fall sports, consider getting a custom sports guard to protect your teeth from oral injury, which can be quite common in team sports. At Ladysmith Smiles, we offer customized mouthguards for sports using iTero technology. This advanced 3D scanner is the same system we use to create Invisalign aligners and requires zero cement-like goop. In just a few minutes using the iTero machine, we can create a 3D scan of your mouth that can be used to create an accurate mouthguard for any summer activity or sport. To learn more about iTero and its capabilities, click here. 

6. Schedule Your Back-To-School Cleaning

With your busy summer schedule heading right into the fall, oral health appointments often get pushed back or skipped altogether. Dentists across the globe recommend a check-up and cleaning every six months, with some individuals requiring even more frequent visits. Check out this blog to find out more: Do I really need to see the dentist every six months?

If you are reading this right now and don’t have your next cleaning booked, put your oral health first now and save yourself the hassle later on. Before we know it, the new year will be creeping towards us, benefits will be making their last calls and the appointments will all be booked up. We recommend booking cleanings a minimum of two months in advance. Click here to book your next appointment at Ladysmith Smiles.