(250) 245-8558 info@ladysmithsmiles.com

If fear is holding you back from your healthiest smile, this article is for you. Our Ladysmith dentists and hygienists can help make your visits to the dentist an enjoyable experience. 

Ladysmith Smiles is a family dentistry practice in Ladysmith, BC. In October 2021, Dr. Nadia Stymiest opened the practice and has since expanded to a second practice, Nanaimo Smiles, a modern dentistry practice in Nanaimo, BC. With five dentists across our two locations, the Smiles team’s passion for empathetic and inclusive treatment has encouraged hundreds of smiles across Ladysmith and the surrounding area. 

Whether your dental visit is with Dr. Nadia Stymiest or one of our other caring associates, they all share a common goal: to provide exceptional, accessible dental care in a safe and welcoming environment. Most people don’t look forward to the dentist per se, but Dr. Stymiest and her team are looking to change that narrative. At Ladysmith Smiles, we believe that dental care can be comfortable, enjoyable and induce a few laughs along the way. 

Oftentimes anxiety or fear of visiting the dentist can lead to individuals pushing off appointments, which ultimately leads to more serious dental concerns and more complex procedures—this only perpetuating the fear. There are a few reasons as to why one may experience anxiety before visiting the dentist. It’s our goal to help you work through these fears to ensure dental care is accessible for you. 

Fear of the Unknown 

Oftentimes not knowing what will happen can be scarier than what will actually occur. For those experiencing dental anxiety, a lack of familiarity with the dentist, hygienist, the space and/or order of the procedure can prevent them from booking in regular check-ups and cleanings. At Ladysmith Smiles, we do our best to familiarize our patients with our team and space prior to their appointment.

While each individual’s dental appointment at Ladysmith Smiles may differ slightly, our team will talk you through each step to ensure that you are aware and comfortable with the process. If you’d like to schedule a walk-through with our team, please contact us at info@ladysmithsmiles.com.  This can occur on a day separate from your appointment to allow you to get comfortable with the space and front desk team. 

Previous Bad Dental Experiences 

Perhaps while you’re reading this, your internal conversation is more along the lines of, “I know what to expect at the dentist and that’s why I am nervous.” If you’ve experienced an uncomfortable or unpleasant dental visit in the past, it can deter you from making another appointment—even at a new office. We completely understand and want to help you work through these fears. 

To help you feel more comfortable during your dental appointment, speak to our team about your concerns. We can work with you to develop a signal for breaks (we will ask along the way as well), offer stress balls or arrange for someone to come into the treatment room with you. If you find the dental environment overstimulating, we also welcome our patients to wear headphones, or bring a comfort item to help alleviate sensory troubles.

Fear of Judgement

Can’t remember your last trip to the dentist? Has it been years since you’ve had a cleaning? Oftentimes fear of judgment can hold individuals back from booking their dental check-up and cleaning. At Ladysmith Smiles, we are committed to creating a safe, inclusive space for all smiles. We believe it is not our job to judge the condition of your teeth, but instead to help to inspire you to smile more often. As dental professionals, we have seen and been trained to help treat all smiles in all conditions. To help us help you, let our team know what your dental concerns are. If it’s been several years since your last visit, we can help break up the cleaning appointment to suit your comfort levels. 

Friendly Dentists in Ladysmith, BC

If you struggle with dental anxiety or have any specific needs/concerns, please notify our front desk team upon booking. Our dental support staff, dentists and hygienists will work with you to ensure your comfort throughout your visit. We hope that these insights and tips make your visits to the dentist—dare we say it—enjoyable! 

To book your next dental check-up and teeth cleaning in Ladysmith, BC, contact the Ladysmith Smiles via info@ladysmithsmiles.com or call 250-245-8558.