(250) 245-8558 info@ladysmithsmiles.com

Here’s the top four reasons the “dentist twice a year” rule of thumb holds true. 

Dental visits can be quite the investment—especially without insurance. So, is it really necessary to go to the dentist for a cleaning every six months? Ladysmith Smiles’ founder and dentist, Dr. Nadia Stymiest shares the real reasons to value your dental hygiene appointments and avoid skipping them. 

Here are four reasons you should be going to the dentist twice a year:

  • Plaque removal is difficult at home. You may be familiar with the term scaling. Scaling is the process of manually (and precisely) removing plaque and tartar on the teeth’s surface both above and below the gums. Along with handheld tools an ultrasonic scaler may also be used. This really is a process best done by a professional to avoid injury. To book your cleaning in Ladysmith, BC, click here.
  • Prevention of periodontal disease. Forty-seven percent of adults aged 30 years and older have some form of periodontal disease, according to the CDC. You may be more familiar with its early stage, gingivitis, which causes the gums to swell and often bleed. Simply put, periodontal disease is caused by bacteria in the mouth that infects the tissue surrounding the tooth. Regular cleanings help keep this bacteria at bay and allow for your dentist to check for signs of periodontal disease. 
  • The earlier under-the-surface problems are identified, the better. Many destructive diseases are invisible to the naked eye. Regular dental check-ups allow for x-rays to see what is beneath the surfaces of your mouth. For example, infections in the bone,  cysts, or tumours are often impossible to see without these x-rays. Oral cancer detection happens during your regular check-ups. Earlier diagnoses allow for better treatment plans and overall oral health.
  • It’s the economical route. Though more frequent visits to the dentist seem like the more costly option, they can save you thousands in the long run. With proper dental hygiene, cavities, root canals and other expensive treatments can likely be avoided. 

BONUS REASON: Many people struggle with anxiety when it comes to dental visits. This often stems from worrying about the possibility of a cavity or needing further treatment. The more often you come, the less likely additional treatments will be needed and you’ll begin to see, visiting the dentist is no big deal.  

Though the four reasons to have a general check-up and/or cleaning every six months is a great rule of thumb, the recommended frequency of your dental visits can vary based on the individual. Patients who are pregnant, are prone to or have gum disease, smokers and diabetics should be evaluated to see if more frequent appointments are necessary.

To become a patient of Dr. Nadia Stymiest, founder of Ladysmith Smiles in Ladysmith, BC, please feel out the below contact form or call our office directly at 250-245-8558.