(250) 245-8558 info@ladysmithsmiles.com

Before starting your Invisalign® treatment in Ladysmith, BC, read this. 

Invisalign is a great alternative to traditional braces that is virtually invisible (hence the name). No brackets, no wires, no pauses to your daily life—but that doesn’t mean Invisalign isn’t without its commitment. Before starting your Invisalign treatment in Ladysmith, BC, here are five things you’ll want to consider: 

You must wear your aligners 20-22 hours a day.

To receive an effective and efficient Invisalign treatment, you need to put in the effort too. Essentially, you’ll need to wear your aligners anytime you aren’t eating or drinking. Now, this doesn’t mean you can sip on a coffee for four hours and have no consequences. Not only is this bad for staining, to keep your Invisalign progress moving at a good speed, aim to only have your aligners off two hours a day. Each time you remove them, remember to rinse them with water and if possible, brush your teeth before putting them back in.

You can only drink water and cannot eat while wearing your aligners.

As mentioned, you must take out your aligners while eating or drinking unless you’re just drinking water. This means any snacking will need to be intentional as there are several additional considerations (brushing, rinsing and wear time). This actually has led to some of our patients positively changing their nutrition and oral health as a result.

You may need Invisalign attachments.

These SmartForce, tooth-coloured buttons attach to certain teeth to help your aligners get a firmer grip and move your teeth more effectively. The number of buttons required depends on the individual’s treatment plan. Utilizing iTero digital impressions, our team will be able to provide this information and an accurate treatment plan prior to your first aligner.  

Your insurance will cover Invisalign treatments.

Many third-party insurance plans cover Invisalign treatments the same way they cover braces (a certain percentage or a certain dollar amount). During your consultation, we will review both payment options and if you’re a suitable candidate for Invisalign. It is important to note, Invisalign is not right for everyone, but can treat a wide variety of issues such as: overbite, crossbite, underbite, gap teeth, open bite and crowded teeth. 

Most people won’t know you have them!

Although you may experience a slight lisp when first wearing your aligner, most patients report this goes away within the first few days. Invisalign is the obvious choice for those wanting to continue their daily activities both personally and professionally without disruption. Invisalign really does get its name for good reason!

Dr. Nadia Stymiest is proud to be an official Invisalign Provider in Ladysmith, BC utilizing the iTero 3D technology. This advanced 3D technology allows for digital impressions—no more cement-like goop in your mouth. With these more accurate impressions, we are able to better predict your full treatment plan and provide 3D stimulation of what your smile may look like after your final aligner.  

Once your iTero scan is complete, the digital impressions are electronically sent to create (AKA 3D print) your aligners, leaving minimal room for error. Once your aligners come back to the office, we will fit the first set in the office ensuring all SmartForce buttons are placed correctly, and you’ll be on your way. 

Depending on your schedule and treatment plan, the number of check-ins you’ll have in the office may differ. Every one to two weeks you’ll switch to the next aligner. The exact timeline and number of aligners required will be provided by Dr. Nadia Styimest based on your progress and data that comes back from your iTero scans. Throughout your entire treatment, we are able to monitor your progress compared to our iTero data to adjust your treatment plan in real-time for the most effective process.

Invisalign has transformed 12 million smiles worldwide, including 3 million teens. Since 1997, Invisalign’s industry-leading team of engineers and scientists has been pushing dentistry and orthodontics into the digital age. Since starting to offer Invisialign in Ladysmith last year, Dr. Nadia Stymiest has been able to help dozens of patients on their journeys to straighter, more confident smiles. 

For more information about Invisalign treatments at Ladysmith Smiles in Ladysmith, BC, contact our team at 250-245-8558 or info@ladysmithsmiles.com.