(250) 245-8558 info@ladysmithsmiles.com

Smile brighter with professional teeth whitening in Ladysmith, BC. 

Simply scroll through your feed and you’re bound to find over a dozen teeth whitening products promising to take years of staining off your smile in one swoop. But how do you know which products actually work? At Ladysmith Smiles, we offer our patients professional teeth whitening that offer safe, effective and maintainable results.

Let us preface the rest of this article by making something very clear—yellow teeth do not mean unhealthy teeth, just as a white smile does not mean a healthy smile. There are a lot of factors when it comes to the colour of your teeth and discolouration that may occur over time; medicine, genetics and diet can all play a role. The best way to keep your smile healthy is by committing to regular dental check-ups and cleanings every six months. If aesthetically, you’re bothered by the colour of your teeth, then you have options available for you in our Ladysmith, BC office.  

Scaling and polishing, which are a part of your regular dental cleaning at Ladysmith Smiles, is the best way to start your teeth whitening treatment. The extrinsic staining, usually caused by lifestyle or diet, can be removed during this process and allow for your teeth whitening to work more efficiently. 

Though purchasing the aesthetically pleasing teeth whitening kit, complete with a LED-light, may be tempting, professional whitening methods are the more efficient, no-fluff way to achieve the pearly whites you desire. There are typically two types of professional teeth whitening: in-office treatments and at-home trays. At Ladysmith Smiles, we offer custom at-home trays with professional-grade whitening gel. 

Teeth Whitening Take-Home Trays

Using the iTero scanner (the same technology we use to create Invisalign trays), our team will make a 3D impression of your teeth to create perfect custom trays that will ensure that the processional-grade teeth whitening solution hits every hard-to-reach crevice while isolating the the powerful solution to your teeth. 

When you opt for professional whitening methods, you are able to use formulas with a  higher percentage of hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, the two agents responsible for whitening the teeth, than over-the-counter options. Strips, pens and other methods you’ll find in your drugstore aisle, are legally not permitted to use a higher strength peroxide-based solution. In part, this is because there is no way for these options to stop the gel from migrating while you wear it and it can impact  gum health and sensitivity. Custom trays fit perfectly over your smile allowing just enough room for the professional-grade gel to get into each crevice but not enough for the gums and other areas of the mouth to be impacted. 

Another benefit to at-home professional teeth whitening trays, is you can control your treatment and upkeep your results without the many separate trips to the dentist that in-office methods require. We typically recommend patients wear their at-home whitening gel and custom trays for 30-60 minutes right before going to bed for a period of two weeks—or until they are happy with the new shade of your smile. Both the wear time and the total length of initial treatment will vary depending on each individual case; speak to Dr. Nadia Stymiest and the Ladysmith Smiles team for your exact treatment recommendations. 

With the treatment taking place at home, your results are your responsibility. When it comes to at-home teeth whitening whether you opt for over-the-counter strips or professional custom trays, consistency is key. Along with being mindful of staining foods and substances (wine, coffee, dark berries, smoking), your commitment to your daily initial treatment and touch-up treatments is crucial for getting the results you desire. Remember teeth are like sponges and stains will not disappear unless you actively address them. 

Ladysmith Teeth Whitening: Frequently Asked Questions 

Does teeth whitening damage my teeth?

Professional teeth whitening is incredibly safe. Though the active ingredients temporarily open the pores in your teeth to lift stains, the teeth naturally remineralize and rehydrate afterwards. If possible, avoid dark coloured liquids (wine, coffee, tea), acidic beverages, foods with added colourants (soy sauce, ketchup) and sugary foods for at least 24 hours after professional whitening to prevent restaining while the tooth pores remain open. It is best to avoid these staining foods during your two-week initial treatment. 

When is the best time to whiten my teeth?

Waiting until right before you go to bed to whiten your teeth will ensure that you do not eat or drink any foods that will re-stain your teeth. Immediately after whitening your teeth, the enamel is more susceptible to staining and therefore, could make the process counterproductive if special care isn’t taken.

Will my teeth be sensitive after teeth whitening?

Tooth sensitivity caused by genetics, thin enamel and damaged teeth, is extremely common. During the whitening process your teeth will become temporarily dehydrated, which will impact how the nerve reacts to temperature changes. This sensitivity will disappear 12 to 36 hours post-whitening treatment. The Ladysmith Smiles team can recommend fluoride treatments to help promote quicker rehydration. 

How quickly will I be able to whiten my teeth? 

There is no one-size-fits-all  definitive answer to how long it takes to whiten your teeth; every individual is different. Typically optimal results are seen after two weeks of consistent at-home, professional teeth whitening treatments. After that, a couple touch-up at-home sessions may be required to maintain the results for up to a year. 

Is there anyone who should not have a teeth whitening treatment? 

We do not offer professional teeth whitening to those younger than 16 years old as the pulp chamber in young teeth is larger than that of an adult so whitening treatments could cause irritation. On the other end of the spectrum, we do not offer teeth whitening to older patients whose teeth have yellowed due to age. When we age, our enamel thins, revealing the yellow-hued dentin underneath. Teeth whitening solutions are not effective in treating dentin.  Caps and veneers can also not be whitened, though teeth whitening will not damage this dental work so patients can decide if this is still an option they’d like to pursue to address staining on other teeth. We do not offer teeth whitening to patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding.  

How white can I get my teeth with this treatment? 

Genetically, not everyone’s teeth will be able to become purely white. While stains can be removed, the shade of whiteness is dependent on your tooth’s natural colour. For best results, we recommend patients wear their at-home custom trays every night for 45 minutes for the duration of two weeks. At which point, we recommend giving your teeth a break before reaccessing if a couple additional whitening sessions are required to reach optimal results. The two-week treatment should be repeated once a year to maintain results. 

Does teeth whitening cause white spots to appear on my teeth?

Simply put, no. Teeth whitening does not cause the white spots that may appear after teeth whitening; however, they may make them more visible temporarily. 

The white spots that appear are the result of a loss of calcium in the tooth’s enamel (also known as hypo-calcification). Patients who have recently had orthodontic bands and brackets removed, often are more prone to developing these spots. Exposure to too much fluoride, a diet high in sugar or acid and heavy plaque buildup, can also cause obque white spots to appear over time. If you notice white spots appearing brighter after whitening your teeth, do not panic. After your treatment, those brighter white spots will settle back down and fade into your now, newly lightened tooth colour. If you are still concerned after you’ve finished your whitening treatment, book in with our team

Professional Teeth Whitening in Ladysmith, BC

For more information about starting your professional teeth whitening at Ladysmith Smiles in Ladysmith, BC, contact our team today.