(250) 245-8558 info@ladysmithsmiles.com

The three reasons you should follow the CDA’s recommendations for your child’s first trip to the dentist. Plus, what to expect and how to prepare your child. 

Baby teeth are replaced anyway, does my child really need to visit the dentist? Regular dental cleanings and checkups are recommended by the Canadian Dental Association within six months of the eruption of the first tooth or by the one year age (whichever comes first). 

Once the first tooth emerges, your child is at risk of tooth decay. Your child’s early visits to the dentist will act as a preventative measure. Our team will provide helpful information on strategies to set your child up for a life of good oral health. 

At Ladysmith Smiles, our team loves pediatric dentistry. We create a fun-filled atmosphere that will set your child up for a positive relationship with the dentist for years to come. 

There are three reasons why your child should visit the dentist starting at this age: 

  1. Ensure your child’s daily dental hygiene routine is effective.
  2. Prevent dental problems or intervene early so that extensive treatment can be avoided.
  3. Develop a positive relationship with visiting the dentist. 

Since infants that drink breast milk, juice, baby formula or sweetened drinks from a sippy cup are at high-risk for childhood caries, it is important you as the parent are educated on how to probably brush and floss your child’s teeth. You need to be an active participant in this routine until your child is six years old or develops the skills to take care of their oral health independently. During your child’s first few dental appointments, the dentist will also assess your child’s risk level of dental disease and discuss the use of fluoride and their diet.

If we diagnose cavities your child may need fillings (even on baby teeth) to ensure their comfort until the tooth falls out. It is important to care for baby teeth as some primary teeth stay with your child until age 12. Losing baby teeth too early may require the use of a space maintainer to keep the space for the adult tooth to come in.

What To Expect From Your Child’s First Dental Visit

As a new parent, you have questions. Does my baby sit on my lap during the dental appointment? Do I stay in the room with my toddler? Will a cleaning happen even if my child only has a couple of teeth? In addition to the following breakdown, our team is happy to answer any questions you may have via email or phone. We also recommend subscribing to our monthly newsletter for helpful information and tips directly from Dr. Nadia Stymiest. 

Your child’s first visit to the dentist will vary slightly depending on their age. If their first dental appointment follows the CDA recommendations of six months after their first tooth cuts or at one year old, you can expect to be a very active part of your child’s first visit as it will be a more informational session for you as well as a checkup.  

There is no one-size-fits-all formula for your child’s first dental appointment. At Ladysmith Smiles, we let your child set the pace and keep creating a positive experience as a top priority. Why? Though your child may not experience dental issues for the first several years, building trust and habits in their dental visits will allow them to have a better experience when and if an issue should arise. 

A Warm Welcome

Our friendly front desk team will be the first to welcome you into our space at 225 High Street Ladysmith, BC. You’ll notice we share this space with another practice, our treatment rooms are to the right. In our waiting area, you’ll find comfortable seating, bright decor, a child’s area and an individual washroom. This kid-friendly reception area is designed to put your child at ease from the moment they enter. 

Treatment Area Introduction

When it’s time for your child’s appointment one of our friendly dental assistants will show you and your child to our pediatric treatment room, complete with a chair designed specifically for them, stuffed animals to keep them company and a beautiful view of the bay. Depending on your child’s age, they may need to sit on your lap during the exam. Your child will receive a cool pair of sunglasses to wear during the visit to protect their eyes (or as their first step in becoming a spy!). 

The Exam 

Now it’s time to meet Dr. Nadia Styimest or one of our other dentists that love to see children. To learn more about our fabulous team here at Ladysmith Smiles and to establish a familiar face for your child before visiting, click here. Throughout the exam our dentists explain to kids (and parents) exactly what they are doing in kid-friendly terms. The “tooth counter” and “round mirror” will become very familiar to your child in just a few visits. It is during the exam the dentist will check your child’s baby teeth, examine their gums and jaw and evaluate their overall development. 

The Cleaning

This next step is dependent on your child and their age. For a dental visit age two and up we may perform a general cleaning using tell-show-do techniques to make sure your child feels comfortable and relaxed. Dental cleanings for children involve flossing the teeth, removing hardened plaque and polishing, followed by application of a fluoride varnish.

Let’s Chat – Parent Consultation

If your child does not have a dental cleaning, the exam will roll right into this step. Along with answering any questions you may have, your Ladysmith Smiles dentist will provide information such as when your child’s next tooth will erupt, when and how to stop pacifier use and tips for better daily oral health. Your dentist is here to help ease any concerns you may have surrounding your child’s oral health. Some common topics discussed during this initial consultation are as follows: 

  • Accident prevention
  • Fluoride exposure
  • Choosing a CDA approved toothpaste for the infant
  • Choosing an appropriate toothbrush
  • Pacifier use
  • Correct positioning of the head during tooth brushing
  • Eliminating fussing during the oral care routine
  • Establishing an oral care routine
  • Maintaining good dietary habits
  • Minimizing the risk of tooth decay
  • Reducing sugar and carbohydrate intake
  • Teething and developmental milestones


As we wrap up your child’s dental appointment, a trip to the treasure chest is always a favorite for our team and patients alike. We hope these goodies will help your child look forward to taking really good care of their teeth and excited for their next visit at Ladysmith Smiles. 

Our Promise For Your Child’s First Dental Visit

As Ladysmith Smiles, we promise to make each visit as positive and painless for you and your child. As a mom of two herself, Dr. Nadia Stymiest takes special pride in ensuring other parents have the tools they need to create healthy oral hygiene habits. 

The Ladysmith Smiles team knows how to put kids of all ages at ease making future dental appointments not so scary. Along with a very professional prescription for ice cream and a treasure chest full of prizes, we have a few tricks up our sleeves for changing “Do I have to go to the dentist?” to “When do I get to go to the dentist?” 

How To Prepare Your Child For Their First Dental Visit

It is so important that your child develops a positive relationship with the dentist from a young age. Rather than being an appointment to be dreaded, we at Ladysmith Smiles strive to create a fun and educational experience that eases any anxiety your child may have around going to the dentist. 

Before your child’s first appointment and prior to the first several appointments, help your child feel confident going to the dentist with these four tips:

  1. Have your child practice keeping their mouth open as you count their teeth. Using the rounded end of a small spoon to pull back the cheek will help your child get used to what the dental mirror might feel like.
  2. Avoid sharing any of your own negative feelings towards the dentist. This will help ensure that your child doesn’t develop the same anxieties. 
  3. Establish a strong oral health routine for morning and night. Make daily habits such as brushing your teeth and flossing fun for your kids. You can do this by singing songs and creating a sticker chart to track their progress.
  4. Create familiarity with going to the dentist using educational entertainment. Check out these five apps for teaching your  kids good oral hygiene and what to expect when visiting the dentist. We also love this 10-minute video called Finny Goes To The Dentist, which features a lovable shark named Finny who learns that dentists are just trying to help you feel better and even gives his dad the courage to go to the dentist.

Booking Your Pediatric Dentist Appointment in Ladysmith, BC

We hope this article provided the information you need to make an informed decision about your child’s first dental appointment. If you have any other questions or would like to book your child’s appointment at Ladysmith Smiles, click here. We look forward to seeing your smile in the office soon!